Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences

The Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences, as referred to in Freemasonry, are those of grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy. In Medieval times, these were split into the Trivium (the first three) and the Quadrivium (the last four). These seven schools of learning have been long established as the core curriculum throughout the western world, and each has its own strength and wisdom to teach. Each art or science is important to master to become a truly well-rounded individual.

The Trivium consisted of grammar, rhetoric, and arithmetic. Trivium is Latin for the three ways, or the three roads. They were considered the most important of the seven liberal arts. These three schools were taught first, as the superstructure for further education.

The first is that of grammar, the art of proper language. Although language changes daily as the vernacular is hammered away over time, one who properly masters grammar stands above those plebes who cannot. It is readily apparent to any who hear a master grammarian speak, or read one’s writings, that such a person holds education and knowledge higher than most. This is why it is listed first: without grammar, the other arts and sciences cannot be properly communicated.

The second, rhetoric, is the art of persuasion and debate. Great orators and leaders require not only the ability to write and speak with proper grammar, but to form language into a tool by which one may lead others to view the world in the way the speaker wishes. The Romans took rhetoric from the Greeks, and as was their way, expanded it into a larger, better form of five canons: inventio, disposito, elocutio, memoria, and actio.

Logic is the final step in the Trivium, and the third liberal art. It is the study of the meanings of words, thoughts, ideas, and reason. The mastery of logic allows the rhetorical grammarian to further perfect his argument into a flawless stone of philosophy. The science studies topics such as fallacies, paradoxes, probability, and causality.

The Quadrivium, the last four liberal arts and sciences, takes the core built by the Trivium and builds the walls that keep it upright. Without walls, a building is merely a frame, a useless structure waiting to be completed. Without the Quadrivium, the liberal arts and sciences only form a strong but impractical home for the mind.

Much like a building’s foundation, without arithmetic, the fourth liberal art, the rest of mathematics could not stand. Arithmetic is at the heart of all mathematics. It consists of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Without these four basic steps of math, more advanced operations (i.e., powers, square roots, etc.) would not be possible.

The fifth and most important science (to Freemasons) is that of geometry. Geometry takes arithmetic and crafts it into actual forms and shapes. Specifically, we as Freemasons utilize Euclidian geometry, which consists of the more common shapes and devices most people recognize. Euclid, a Greek mathematician who lived around 300 BCE, formulated many of the measurements and equations we still use today, although geometry itself can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians.

Sixth amongst the liberal arts, and third in the Quadrivium, is the study of music. Music is an art, but also a science and an extension of mathematics. Many scholars have studied the relation between harmonies and math, using equations from higher mathematics such as calculus. However, music is not only math; it is also an expression of the soul. Music allows one to communicate their passions in ways words cannot, even with the most beautiful mastery of the Trivium.

Last amongst the arts and sciences, but certainly not least, is that of astronomy. Astronomy is the study of the stars and the cosmos. Again, we can trace its history to the Greeks and the Egyptians before them. Astronomy is more than simply peering out at the celestial bodies floating in the vacuum of space; it is also geometry and physics. The study of astronomy allows one to know the world within which they live, and how it properly functions.

The Trivium, as the foundation, and the Quadrivium, as the walls, form the basic building of knowledge and wisdom that are commonly known as the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences. Yet no building is complete without a roof, and the peak of this building pierces the very heavens. Traditionally, after the mastery of these seven arts and sciences, a student went on to study philosophy and theology. This is why Freemasonry exists; to build the building of knowledge and place upon it the roof of philosophy and theology.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Entered Apprentice Essay

I had promised to post this a while ago, and now have decided there is nothing in it that is remotely secret or even that might spoil the initiation for someone coming in to Masonry. I hope you enjoy it.

An initiation signifies a beginning, as is evident by its root, but more importantly, we can look at the origin of this word. It comes from the Latin word initiationem, which means “participation in secret rites.” This is obviously fitting for Masonry in general, and not just the Entered Apprentice degree. Of course, initiations have occurred all throughout history; Adam was initiated when G-d gave him power of all the Earth, Moses was initiated when G-d spoke to him through the burning bush, Kings receive coronations, Presidents have inaugurations.

As for myself, I view the initiation as a rebirth, which is another common usage of the word. As the ritual states, the idea is to be brought from darkness to light, much like being born. And, as the purpose of freemasonry is to make good men better, that first step requires a new beginning: the initiation.

The greatest symbol for me, and not just as an Entered Apprentice but as a freemason in general, is the Temple of Solomon. As a Jew, the Temple has a very strong meaning for me. My people walked through the desert after being liberated from slavery. As they traveled, they carried the Tabernacle, which G-d rested upon. When they reached what would become Israel, the Tabernacle became a permanent fixture, and eventually moved to Solomon’s Temple.

As Moses led my people through the desert, he was given the Torah, the guide of our faith. This was laid in a magnificently crafted box, which was carried through our journey, and eventually came to rest within the Holy of Holies inside the Temple. Thus, the lodge as Temple has further symbolism because we are within its center, much like the moral law G-d gave us.

On a less religious level, I also enjoyed the way I was received in the lodge. I am not certain as to why, although I know I am a little disappointed that it was not exactly has it had been in the past. I would have liked to bleed a little like Washington or Lafayette. Nonetheless, the brevity of the situation was remarkable.

The most important lessons to me in experiencing this degree were those of community and charity. After giving the obligation, witnessing all the brothers standing to support me. This continued well after the ceremony, as well, with the dinners and the practices in my memory work.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas was a Catholic philosopher (many know him as St. Thomas) who put forth the current view of the Catholic church's views on Natural Law. As a Jew, I don't really pay much attention to Catholic belief, especially that of "Saints", but as one who believes in Lockean principles (i.e., Natural Law), I found this interesting.

From Wikipedia:

Natural moral law is concerned with both exterior and interior acts, also know as action and motive. Simply doing the right thing is not enough; to be truly moral one's motive must be right as well. For example, helping an old lady across the road (good exterior act) to impress someone (bad interior act) is wrong. However, good intentions don’t always lead to good actions. The motive must coincide with Aquinas's cardinal or theological virtues. Cardinal virtues are acquired through reason applied to nature; they are:


His theological virtues


According to Aquinas, to lack any of these virtues is to lack the ability to make a moral choice. For example, consider a man who possesses the virtues of justice, prudence, and fortitude, yet lacks temperance. Due to his lack of self control and desire for pleasure, despite his good intentions, he will find himself swaying from the moral path.
To any Brother, that should seem very familiar.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Fellow Craft

I am now a Fellow Craft Mason. Tonight's degree as tremendously exciting, although some of it was expected (the pats that are similar to the first degree). I'll go through a few impressions I had, in order, as best I can remember. I won't give away anything I shouldn't, and I won't spoil it for others, either.

The beginning part was easy enough, since it was nearly identical to the first degree. There were some obvious changes, although I guessed some of them before tonight. It does make me very curious about the third. The real changes come in the second half, but I'd be remiss not to mention how utterly metal some of this stuff (the music, I mean).

The second half is where the real differences occurred, and where I really enjoyed myself. As a student of history, it was entirely evident to me where all of this started. The verbiage and ideals set forth are very Renaissance or Reawakening. I recognized a lot of it from time in medieval/renaissance reenactment. Admittedly, there was a lot to take in, but I enjoyed it throughly.

That's about all I can think of for now, but I'm sure I'll have more to talk about after I sleep on it some and read some of the stuff I've gone through. Apparently, it wasn't run entirely as it should've been, although I wouldn't know, yet. There was a bit where the Master stumbled and it was rather comical, but I didn't mind - it lightened the mood.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Returning My First

Well, tonight's the night I return my proficiency as an Entered Apprentice. My second will be in September.

California requires that I write an essay to return my proficiency, and I think I'd like to post it here, but I need to make sure I didn't include anything that would give away any of our secrets. I also don't want to ruin anyone's experience. I'll check tonight and if I can post it, I will.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Conspiracies and Religion

Over the past few days, I've been surfing the web and reading a lot of things about Freemasonry. Obviously, I'd seen much of this prior to my experience last Tuesday, but I didn't dwell on it for too long, lest I see something I shouldn't.

The first part, I've already written about on my actual blog, but suffice it to say, there are many people out there are who are clueless and ignorant. They enjoy believing in the boogieman, so we Masons become the modern boogieman. Conspiracies to run the world, control the banks, control minds.... It's nothing new to me, of course; As a Jew, I've heard it all before.

The fact is, though, these people are insane. Any stupid little thing they see suddenly becomes proof of an underground conspiracy that has existed for centuries without anyone ever figuring it out (except for these idiots, of course). Cubes, pyramids, eyeballs; They're all proof of Masons behind the scenes - even though they're the most basic symbols in the world and have been used since the first moment Man used a metaphor.

Secondly, we have these fundamentalist Christians who misrepresent the tidbits of information they've gotten from oath-breakers, and state that Masonry is incompatible with Christianity, and that we all worship some false deity. Firstly, I'm not a Christian, so I don't exactly care, and secondly, I should state that I'm only a first degree, so maybe at the third degree the ugly truth is revealed - but I find it unlikely that so many religious men would stick around afterwards.

The idea is that we worship the Grand Architect of the Universe, as opposed to Jesus Christ. Many of their supporters are former Masons who left after being rebuked for saying Jesus in the Lodge during a prayer. There's actually a good article here on this, but I'll expound my own feelings, anyway.

As I see it, a rose by any other name is still a rose. If you pray to G-d, be it as Adonai, HaShem, El Shaddai, Elohim, El Elyon, or a myriad of other names we use in Hebrew, for instance, you're still praying to G-d. The idea that everyone should pray to Jesus is offensive to those of us who don't, and while I can understand their convictions, I'm pretty sure no one ever said Freemasonry was a Christian organization. Don't join and shut up.

They also seem to think that Masonry preaches salvation. I've never once heard this. It's certainly been stressed to me that one must be a good person (since they make good men better), and deeds are important, but even the fundies agree that good deeds are important. No, according to Christian theology, one cannot get into Heaven on good deeds alone, but masonry doesn't tell you to rely solely on good deeds - it tells you to have Faith, as well.

It's all very silly.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

First Thoughts

I can't describe what happened. Literally, I cannot, because I am sworn to secrecy. However, I can document what my feelings were, and perhaps what I got from it, some things I've learned. I still have a lot of studying to, and I'm sure I'll pick up more as I see the ceremony performed for someone else, but here are my first impressions.

I was anxious. I wouldn't say nervous, I really wasn't, just eager to partake in my first steps. If I were prone to embarrassment, there would have been more nerves to get over at the beginning, but I'm not embarrassed by much. The situation I was in was not unique, and I knew everyone around me had already gone through it.

As it began, I was immediately struck with a sense of absolute trust in my fellow man. I had no choice but to trust those around me, even if I didn't really know them. Many of them I had only met an hour before, some even less than that, but they had my trust.

I also sensed a lot of the history behind the ritual. In the words used, in the symbolism, and in the procedures. I've already started reading about the ritual, so I know even more about that history than last night, but even as it happened I could sense the meanings and foundations in just about everything.

I think the history part is best summed up by what one of my fellow Brothers said to me after the first part. I had mentioned early on that the reason I wanted to become a Mason was because of my love and study of history. He reminded me that the very first moments I experienced, that first step, was experienced by people like George Washington before me, and likely more intensely (I'm intentionally being vague, but I'm sure the point isn't lost on those who came before me).

That put things into perspective.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Sometime in April or May of 2006, I went to the California Freemason website. I had been interested in freemasonry largely because of the historical background, specifically with regards to the American Revolution and its heroes. I found a lot of information on wikipedia and elsewhere, and finally decided to see what it took.

Clicking on a link, I submitted my information and requested to be contacted. I received a letter with the phone number of the Lodge Master at Temescal Palms #314. I gave him a call (his name was Robert, although he went by Bob), and we discussed a few things. He invited me to dinner at the lodge, but I (as I'm known to do) mixed up the dates and missed out. Following this was my wedding, so I was obviously busy.

When I returned from my honeymoon, I called Bob again and explained that, with the wedding, I was unable to attend. He said it was not a problem, and to come by at the next meeting in October, which my wife and I did. I met a few Masons, ate some tasty food, and got an application.

About the same time, my wife joined Hillel, a Jewish organization at her University. She met another mason there, who wanted me to join his lodge in Riverside, but ultimately, I decided it was best to remain near my home in Corona, plus I had already met many of the local lodgefolk, and ate their food, too.

In November, I submitted my application and fees, and began the patience game. I attended the installation of officer for Order of the Eastern Star, largely to get a feel for everything, although I imagine the Blue Lodge is far different.

December passed, and then January. By February, I was beginning to wonder what had happened, but I wasn't sure if being patient was part of the process or not. Sometimes, I'm a bit paranoid, and I didn't want to ruin my chances by calling and asking, so I just waited. They hadn't cashed my check, yet, either. I started to wonder if my bank would even honor it this far out.

Finally, I received a phone call from a Brother who wanted to interview me. That particular interview never happened, but I was excited that the process had finally begun. After two other attempts, I received a call from a second Brother, Jim, who did interview my wife and I. And just before the meeting in March, the Worshipful Master Walt called me and did the second interview over the phone.

I can only assume they voted on me the following Tuesday, because a week or so later I received a letter stating I had been approved, and my initiation was for April 16th, 2007. Great! Except I had tickets and plans to a George Thorogood concert. More waiting, but the Lodge was understanding, and pushed it May 15th.

1st Degree at Temescal Palms


Yet another 1st Degree at Temescal Palms this Tuesday, May 15th at 7:30pm. Mr. Robert Paul will be taking that first step in Masonry, so lets make it an everlasting one and fill the house.

See You at Lodge, Brethren.


Walter E. McCurry PM, HA.
This was the email I received Monday morning, the 14th. I was quite anxious.