Over the past few days, I've been surfing the web and reading a lot of things about Freemasonry. Obviously, I'd seen much of this prior to my experience last Tuesday, but I didn't dwell on it for too long, lest I see something I shouldn't.
The first part, I've already written about on my actual blog, but suffice it to say, there are many people out there are who are clueless and ignorant. They enjoy believing in the boogieman, so we Masons become the modern boogieman. Conspiracies to run the world, control the banks, control minds.... It's nothing new to me, of course; As a Jew, I've heard it all before.
The fact is, though, these people are insane. Any stupid little thing they see suddenly becomes proof of an underground conspiracy that has existed for centuries without anyone ever figuring it out (except for these idiots, of course). Cubes, pyramids, eyeballs; They're all proof of Masons behind the scenes - even though they're the most basic symbols in the world and have been used since the first moment Man used a metaphor.
Secondly, we have these fundamentalist Christians who misrepresent the tidbits of information they've gotten from oath-breakers, and state that Masonry is incompatible with Christianity, and that we all worship some false deity. Firstly, I'm not a Christian, so I don't exactly care, and secondly, I should state that I'm only a first degree, so maybe at the third degree the ugly truth is revealed - but I find it unlikely that so many religious men would stick around afterwards.
The idea is that we worship the Grand Architect of the Universe, as opposed to Jesus Christ. Many of their supporters are former Masons who left after being rebuked for saying Jesus in the Lodge during a prayer. There's actually a good article here on this, but I'll expound my own feelings, anyway.
As I see it, a rose by any other name is still a rose. If you pray to G-d, be it as Adonai, HaShem, El Shaddai, Elohim, El Elyon, or a myriad of other names we use in Hebrew, for instance, you're still praying to G-d. The idea that everyone should pray to Jesus is offensive to those of us who don't, and while I can understand their convictions, I'm pretty sure no one ever said Freemasonry was a Christian organization. Don't join and shut up.
They also seem to think that Masonry preaches salvation. I've never once heard this. It's certainly been stressed to me that one must be a good person (since they make good men better), and deeds are important, but even the fundies agree that good deeds are important. No, according to Christian theology, one cannot get into Heaven on good deeds alone, but masonry doesn't tell you to rely solely on good deeds - it tells you to have Faith, as well.
It's all very silly.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
First Thoughts
I can't describe what happened. Literally, I cannot, because I am sworn to secrecy. However, I can document what my feelings were, and perhaps what I got from it, some things I've learned. I still have a lot of studying to, and I'm sure I'll pick up more as I see the ceremony performed for someone else, but here are my first impressions.
I was anxious. I wouldn't say nervous, I really wasn't, just eager to partake in my first steps. If I were prone to embarrassment, there would have been more nerves to get over at the beginning, but I'm not embarrassed by much. The situation I was in was not unique, and I knew everyone around me had already gone through it.
As it began, I was immediately struck with a sense of absolute trust in my fellow man. I had no choice but to trust those around me, even if I didn't really know them. Many of them I had only met an hour before, some even less than that, but they had my trust.
I also sensed a lot of the history behind the ritual. In the words used, in the symbolism, and in the procedures. I've already started reading about the ritual, so I know even more about that history than last night, but even as it happened I could sense the meanings and foundations in just about everything.
I think the history part is best summed up by what one of my fellow Brothers said to me after the first part. I had mentioned early on that the reason I wanted to become a Mason was because of my love and study of history. He reminded me that the very first moments I experienced, that first step, was experienced by people like George Washington before me, and likely more intensely (I'm intentionally being vague, but I'm sure the point isn't lost on those who came before me).
That put things into perspective.
I was anxious. I wouldn't say nervous, I really wasn't, just eager to partake in my first steps. If I were prone to embarrassment, there would have been more nerves to get over at the beginning, but I'm not embarrassed by much. The situation I was in was not unique, and I knew everyone around me had already gone through it.
As it began, I was immediately struck with a sense of absolute trust in my fellow man. I had no choice but to trust those around me, even if I didn't really know them. Many of them I had only met an hour before, some even less than that, but they had my trust.
I also sensed a lot of the history behind the ritual. In the words used, in the symbolism, and in the procedures. I've already started reading about the ritual, so I know even more about that history than last night, but even as it happened I could sense the meanings and foundations in just about everything.
I think the history part is best summed up by what one of my fellow Brothers said to me after the first part. I had mentioned early on that the reason I wanted to become a Mason was because of my love and study of history. He reminded me that the very first moments I experienced, that first step, was experienced by people like George Washington before me, and likely more intensely (I'm intentionally being vague, but I'm sure the point isn't lost on those who came before me).
That put things into perspective.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Sometime in April or May of 2006, I went to the California Freemason website. I had been interested in freemasonry largely because of the historical background, specifically with regards to the American Revolution and its heroes. I found a lot of information on wikipedia and elsewhere, and finally decided to see what it took.
Clicking on a link, I submitted my information and requested to be contacted. I received a letter with the phone number of the Lodge Master at Temescal Palms #314. I gave him a call (his name was Robert, although he went by Bob), and we discussed a few things. He invited me to dinner at the lodge, but I (as I'm known to do) mixed up the dates and missed out. Following this was my wedding, so I was obviously busy.
When I returned from my honeymoon, I called Bob again and explained that, with the wedding, I was unable to attend. He said it was not a problem, and to come by at the next meeting in October, which my wife and I did. I met a few Masons, ate some tasty food, and got an application.
About the same time, my wife joined Hillel, a Jewish organization at her University. She met another mason there, who wanted me to join his lodge in Riverside, but ultimately, I decided it was best to remain near my home in Corona, plus I had already met many of the local lodgefolk, and ate their food, too.
In November, I submitted my application and fees, and began the patience game. I attended the installation of officer for Order of the Eastern Star, largely to get a feel for everything, although I imagine the Blue Lodge is far different.
December passed, and then January. By February, I was beginning to wonder what had happened, but I wasn't sure if being patient was part of the process or not. Sometimes, I'm a bit paranoid, and I didn't want to ruin my chances by calling and asking, so I just waited. They hadn't cashed my check, yet, either. I started to wonder if my bank would even honor it this far out.
Finally, I received a phone call from a Brother who wanted to interview me. That particular interview never happened, but I was excited that the process had finally begun. After two other attempts, I received a call from a second Brother, Jim, who did interview my wife and I. And just before the meeting in March, the Worshipful Master Walt called me and did the second interview over the phone.
I can only assume they voted on me the following Tuesday, because a week or so later I received a letter stating I had been approved, and my initiation was for April 16th, 2007. Great! Except I had tickets and plans to a George Thorogood concert. More waiting, but the Lodge was understanding, and pushed it May 15th.
Clicking on a link, I submitted my information and requested to be contacted. I received a letter with the phone number of the Lodge Master at Temescal Palms #314. I gave him a call (his name was Robert, although he went by Bob), and we discussed a few things. He invited me to dinner at the lodge, but I (as I'm known to do) mixed up the dates and missed out. Following this was my wedding, so I was obviously busy.
When I returned from my honeymoon, I called Bob again and explained that, with the wedding, I was unable to attend. He said it was not a problem, and to come by at the next meeting in October, which my wife and I did. I met a few Masons, ate some tasty food, and got an application.
About the same time, my wife joined Hillel, a Jewish organization at her University. She met another mason there, who wanted me to join his lodge in Riverside, but ultimately, I decided it was best to remain near my home in Corona, plus I had already met many of the local lodgefolk, and ate their food, too.
In November, I submitted my application and fees, and began the patience game. I attended the installation of officer for Order of the Eastern Star, largely to get a feel for everything, although I imagine the Blue Lodge is far different.
December passed, and then January. By February, I was beginning to wonder what had happened, but I wasn't sure if being patient was part of the process or not. Sometimes, I'm a bit paranoid, and I didn't want to ruin my chances by calling and asking, so I just waited. They hadn't cashed my check, yet, either. I started to wonder if my bank would even honor it this far out.
Finally, I received a phone call from a Brother who wanted to interview me. That particular interview never happened, but I was excited that the process had finally begun. After two other attempts, I received a call from a second Brother, Jim, who did interview my wife and I. And just before the meeting in March, the Worshipful Master Walt called me and did the second interview over the phone.
I can only assume they voted on me the following Tuesday, because a week or so later I received a letter stating I had been approved, and my initiation was for April 16th, 2007. Great! Except I had tickets and plans to a George Thorogood concert. More waiting, but the Lodge was understanding, and pushed it May 15th.
This was the email I received Monday morning, the 14th. I was quite anxious.
1st Degree at Temescal Palms
Yet another 1st Degree at Temescal Palms this Tuesday, May 15th at 7:30pm. Mr. Robert Paul will be taking that first step in Masonry, so lets make it an everlasting one and fill the house.
See You at Lodge, Brethren.
Walter E. McCurry PM, HA.
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