Wednesday, May 16, 2007

First Thoughts

I can't describe what happened. Literally, I cannot, because I am sworn to secrecy. However, I can document what my feelings were, and perhaps what I got from it, some things I've learned. I still have a lot of studying to, and I'm sure I'll pick up more as I see the ceremony performed for someone else, but here are my first impressions.

I was anxious. I wouldn't say nervous, I really wasn't, just eager to partake in my first steps. If I were prone to embarrassment, there would have been more nerves to get over at the beginning, but I'm not embarrassed by much. The situation I was in was not unique, and I knew everyone around me had already gone through it.

As it began, I was immediately struck with a sense of absolute trust in my fellow man. I had no choice but to trust those around me, even if I didn't really know them. Many of them I had only met an hour before, some even less than that, but they had my trust.

I also sensed a lot of the history behind the ritual. In the words used, in the symbolism, and in the procedures. I've already started reading about the ritual, so I know even more about that history than last night, but even as it happened I could sense the meanings and foundations in just about everything.

I think the history part is best summed up by what one of my fellow Brothers said to me after the first part. I had mentioned early on that the reason I wanted to become a Mason was because of my love and study of history. He reminded me that the very first moments I experienced, that first step, was experienced by people like George Washington before me, and likely more intensely (I'm intentionally being vague, but I'm sure the point isn't lost on those who came before me).

That put things into perspective.


Unknown said...

Robert, very interesting blog you have here. But... unless your own local Constitution says otherwise, you CAN tell people what you went through at your Initiation. I am a Freemason from West Lancashire in England and here it is not something that would be regarded as breaking a Masonic oath, but of course it would be discouraged. So many people, (including long standing Masons) misunderstand the secrecy element of it all. There are only a handful of secrets in Freemasonry and they are the modes of recognition.

The reason you are asked not to reveal what you went through, is because it makes a far greater impact on a man if he experiences his Initiation totally unknowing of what is about to happen. Any prospective member of the fraternity reading of your experiences to the extent of a blow by blow account, would lose that impact.

That said, many, many congratulations on your initiation. Study hard and I am sure you will go on to a long and satisfying Masonic journey.

By the way, this is Sparker from forum.

Robert S. Paul said...

Actually, it's probably the same here, but since I've made this blog public instead of private, I didn't want to reveal anything even remotely close.

Mostly, it has to do with your second paragraph. I don't want to ruin it for someone else. Frankly, the information is out there if someone's desperate enough to know.